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Health, Safety & Environment

No Accident Is Acceptable. Everyone Must Go Home Safe Every Day.

At QTG, Health and Safety is at the epicenter of what we do. We are driven by the desire to see ‘everyone go home safe every day'.Nothing can be more important than personal safety - our own safety and that of everyone around us.

QTG is totally committed to continuously improving the safety and well being of all the people who work with the company, or come into contact with our operations. We encourage everyone to speak up on safety issues because we aim for a healthy and productive environment, free from incident, injury or illness.


Respect, Protect and Enjoy our Environment.

Protecting the environment in which we all live is not just a Moral, Ethical or Cultural issue. It is a Survival Issue. QTG is an eco-efficient company and is committed to protecting our natural resources. We use innovative best practices to improve our operations in a way that has minimum impact on the environment. Our objective is to continue reducing emissions to the environment by minimizing our footprints.