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Upcoming Projects

At QTG we believe the only means of staying relevant is by constantly evolving in Thoughts, Processes and Structures. We keep our customers satisfied by continually  anticipating future needs and creating solutions to meet those needs


Projects planned to complement existing facilities include;

LPG Bottling Facility (Atuabo & Kumasi)

This is the construction of LPG bottling plants first in Atuabo followed by Kumasi. Construction of the Atuabo filling facility is scheduled to start in the first quarter of 2019.  The facility will have a total of 300MT storage and will be able to fill 2000 LPG cylinder  bottles a day.

It will be equipped with a carousel, weighing bridges and a warehouse to store the filled  cylinder bottles. Total cost is estimated at USD 25million and will be financed by Quantum Group and its  bankers.

Kumasi Oil Facility

This facility will have 20,000 cubic meter storage equipped with loading  facilities. Development activities are far advanced and approval processes have been commenced to enable the project take off.


Condensate Blending Facility

This facility will have a capacity of 5,500MT and will store condensate for blending into Gasoline. The project is estimated at USD 8m.